
WTA attends launch ceremony of Discover China Cultural Tour



Hu meets with diplomats from various countries attending the launch ceremony. 

The launch ceremony of this year's Discover China Cultural Tour, hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, was held in Beijing on July 18. 

Minister of Culture and Tourism Hu Heping attended it and delivered a speech. The event was presided over by Gao Zheng, director-general of the international exchange and cooperation department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Liu Shijun, secretary-general of the World Tourism Alliance, attended the event along with 58 diplomats in charge of culture and tourism from 40 countries.

In his speech, Hu reviewed the achievements of China's cultural and tourism exchanges with foreign countries and proposed four initiatives to promote international cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation, which received positive responses from both Chinese and foreign attendants. During the launch ceremony, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the four-season themed routes for the 2022 Discover China Cultural Tour.

The tour will continue until the end of 2022. During the event, diplomats stationed in China from various countries will be invited to visit eight provinces and regions -- Yunnan, Hunan, Hebei, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Guangxi and Hainan -- to experience Chinese culture and understand contemporary China. 

The WTA, as a supporting organization, will participate in the design and planning of routes and activities for the tour, showcasing examples of Chinese tourism promoting rural vitalization, and assisting participants in experiencing a wonderful journey of discovery and friendship.


Thailand's ambassador to China shares insights from participating in the 2021 Discover China Cultural Tour.


Han Ziyong, president of the Chinese Academy of Arts and director of the Chinese Traditional Culture Museum, leads diplomats on a tour of the Treasures of China exhibition.

Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.